Hi! My name is Elly Reid and I am from Shoreline, Washington. I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing and Human Resources and a minor in Public Relations. In addition to being a Welcome Day chair in Setons, I also currently work for Gonzaga's Career and Professional Development as a Marketing intern and am involved with Gonzaga's New Venture Lab. Some of my favorite things to do are taking my dogs for walks, spending time with my friends and family, and being outdoors.
Despite challenges posed by COVID-19, I have been so grateful for my time as a Seton getting to participate in the three pillars of Sisterhood, Service, and Leadership. Over winter break, I got to write and decorate Christmas cards for those around the country who had suffered hard times during the past year. Despite not seeing them face-to-face, this event made me feel closer to the sisters I was working with over zoom while also enjoying getting to connect with those in need. I begin service this Wednesday with Women's and Children's Free Restaurant and am so excited to give back to the local Spokane community.
I’ve also gotten to experience Leadership through my position as a Co-Welcome day chair, working to continue years of tradition in a ceremony for the new class of Setons. Because of COVID, my co-chair Lauren and I have had to utilize creativity to ensure these traditions and customs can carry on to future classes while also respecting health guidelines. It has been very inspirational to see how all members of the organization and Executive have tackled these challenges while maintaining a fun and welcoming environment.
My favorite aspect of the club, however, has been the pillar of Sisterhood. In a year where it is so easy to feel disconnected from those around us, Setons has made me feel like a part of something bigger. The 28 other girls who I have gotten to know this year, whether that's through sister dates or socials, have expanded my social networks at Gonzaga and made me feel a part of something bigger. Despite never meeting in person the first semester of school, I bonded over facetime, Starbucks sister dates, and waves to girls I saw around campus on Wednesdays wearing their sweatshirts. I also have really enjoyed getting to connect to my Big and the rest of my Seton's family, and appreciated gaining their feedback on all things Setons and Gonzaga related.
I am so excited to welcome a new class of Setons and continue sharing the pillars of Sisterhood, Service, and Leadership!
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