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Catherine Steiner - Service

     Hello! My name is Catherine Steiner, I’m from Edmonds, Washington, and I am an English Major with a Concentration in Writing and a double minor in Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurial Leadership. I come from a big Zag family, three out of my four siblings went to Gonzaga so I’ve been going to Family Weekend and visiting campus since I was 7. A little fun fact is that my two older sisters were also in Setons, so I have had a love for this club since I was young! I am currently a part of the Setons Executive Board as this year's class President! As President I am responsible for leading all meetings, and ensure we continuously uphold our pillars of sisterhood, service and leadership. My favorite part about being in Setons has been meeting so many wonderful girls, and being more involved both on and off campus! Outside of Setons, I am a part of the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership program which has taught me so many communication, collaboration and leadership skills wh...

Andrew Yang: Intentionality

         Working with Artisans has been equally transformative as gratifying. For the next year, the non-profit organization has granted me the opportunity to mentor Mr. Ricky Lockridge. Now meeting Ricky was not what I had expected. Upon arriving to the Artisan Ark, I anticipated a young, enthusiastic mentee with a lively weekly schedule. However, walking through the empty, mundane facility, I saw a middle-aged man sitting alone with a look of overall unhappiness. Immediately, Ricky came off very guarded, defensive, and discontent. He was reluctant to fill out his goals worksheet and had the only desire to draw in his 3 by 4 inch notepad. Interacting with Ricky was difficult and became somewhat frustrating. Nevertheless, it wasn't until I reflected upon my intentionality that changed my weekly service experience.
            Intentionality is a selfless act that calls us to meet the individual where they are, not wanting to be caught up by a busy, meaningless schedule. Service has taught me that much of my intentionality requires me to simply be present and serve from my heart. Seeing Ricky's mental disability was ultimately heart breaking, yet filled my heart with compassion. I quickly realized that everyone needs love and desires to be loved. And showing Ricky love calls for me to meet him where he is at, even if that looks like sitting in a dull room solving puzzles or sketching flames on a notepad.

Andrew Yang

- Knight of Gonzaga


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